I know I am! Well, after spring of course. :-) Winter really takes it's toll on me. I'm for sure more of a warm weather person, which is reflected in a lot of my work. I try not to plaster my designs here on my blog, but this style bead is one of my favorites to create. It reminds me of the ocean and ocean waves. It's available now on
Etsy. Grab it up if interested. They don't tend to last long. :-)
Ok first off, I hope the weather breaks so you can feel a bit better and 2nd.. girlfriend you darn well should plaster your work on your blog because it is AH-MAZING!!! This piece is awesome!! Definitely makes me feel the sand between my toes and see the rich, green/blue waters!! I'm sure this will sell real quick!
That is flipping amazing. Zack went OOOOOOH when I showed it to him!
thanks Lauren & Lori! It did sell. :-) & Lori, you give that kid a big old hug from me. that just made my day. <3
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