Cabbage Roses, that is.....
1st of all, is it really a month since I posted?? Part of me often wonders if people are even interested in what I have to say. Plus, quite honestly I've been spending more time on the torch recently. Not being able to torch for about 3-4 months made me miss it terribly & I itch to light up the torch @ any opportunity. And boy, did I have fun making over 50 (I always make extra, just in case) of these sweet little floral beads. Here they sit getting their final bath before heading out the door.
OK, so now that that's out of the way, I recently finished a custom order for someone. Had so much fun making these & when I look at them now in their colorful splendor they just put a smile on my face. OK, so we had a dusting of snow earlier this week, but can spring be far behind?
what I'm seeing on the sideshow is amazing
Glad you are again feeling up to lampwork.
Happy Spring
This is Betty. I left thr message but somehow came up as Lori. lol
You know I am computer challenged!!!
Those are beautiful Lea!
Congrats on all the torch time!
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