Monday, January 31, 2011

Another MRI??

Pin It To say I'm bummed is putting it mildly. My neck is finally starting to feel better, but still achy & stiff so I went for a series of trigger point injections today. While there, I mentioned to my neurologist that I've been having sharp burning pain in my left knee & numbness around the knee cap.

He examined it & doesn't feel it's arthritis. He thinks it's related to my lower back & ordered an MRI & EMG. I have an appointment for the EMG this Thursday. Now just need to wait for approval from my insurance company for the MRI. Funny thing is that my lower back doesn't really hurt me. Not sure which way to root....lower back or arthritis? I guess neither is too wonderful. I just want to live pain free! Is that so much to ask??

1 comment:

Dee said...

oh Leah, I hope you're feeling better soon!!